CSAW 2017 Write up
1. Misc 50
2. Forensic 150
3. Forensic 200
4. Crypto 350
5. Misc 100 ( twich )
1. nc misc.chal.csaw.io 4239flag{@n_int3rface_betw33n_data_term1nal_3quipment_and_d@t@_circuit-term1nating_3quipment}
In this challenge, when we connect to the server, it will give us 11 bits bin
Okay, It is 8-1-1 even parity .
It will look like
0 0.....0 0 0
start data parity bit stop
So now we check the data and the parity bit , if it right, we will get the data[-1] and send '1', or if it wrong, we will send '0' to make it retranmiss
With parity bit, we can count the amount of bit '1' in data , if the amount is even, the parity bit will be 0
okay now we write a script to do it and eat some snack, then we got the flag

2. Forensic 150: It's registration day! These forms just seem longer and longer...
UPDATE 10:44 Eastern: New pcap that should be a bit easier to work with.
UPDATE 2:58 Eastern: We're regenerating due to flag leaks, submissions disabled until then. Please be patient.
Update 3:31 Eastern: Updated pcap with new flag after leak. Please re-run your solutions on the file!
File : https://ctf.csaw.io/files/bd2d3bcfdf09f06728d81d1a0cc0e4ff/cap.pcap
Flag: FLAG{HElp_Th3_BANANASCRIPt-guy_15_thr0wing_m0nkeys@me}
Well, i dont know that they change the file and change the flag, but anyway, i will write up the first one because it's harder lol
we are given a pcap file, so we will use wireshark to analyze it

seem like everyone is sending there appication form, but wait, something not right here

why does that packet contain TCP data????

and it start with &x=424d.....
But wait, isn't 424d is the first two magic signature number of BMP ?
And &x doesn't contain in value n =
But wait, isn't 424d is the first two magic signature number of BMP ?
And &x doesn't contain in value n =
Okay, maybe we are on the right way
And you wont believe it, i copied every TCP data from the whole packets by hand lol
Yeah because im just a 4 months CTF so i dont know Scapy can do that. My profesional brother write me a code to extract data quickly .
we got the bmp file

Forensic 200: Best Router
File: https://ctf.csaw.io/files/e003b7cd6d0406d93467f3c7290d4ef7/best_router.tar.gz
flag: flag{but_I_f0rgot_my_my_math_test_and_pants}
Okay, we extract the file, and check which type is that

Hmm, Okay, i will use FTK Imagelite to analyze this, but wait, this challenge give us a website, and it requires user and password to login, so i will use strings password.txt to find where it is, and lucklily, they really use password.txt lol

password.txt is in var/www

i use FTK - Image lite to analyze and we got the password and the user

Login and get the flag <3

4. Crypto 350
The cookie is
input + flag
AES ECB encrypted with the sha256 of the flag as the key.nc crypto.chal.csaw.io 1578
Well, if message like
message = padding + something we will input + what someone wanna hide
message = padding + something we will input + what someone wanna hide
And they use AES to encrypt that message, it really easy to recover what they wanna hide
And from this challenge, it even didn't have a padding.
I wrote a script to recover the flag

lol i dont know why i use string.printable but it cause me wrong character " \' " instead of "_"
5. Misc 100 ( Twich )
How long does it take several thousand hackers to exploit a buffer overflow?
flag: flag{pra1se_h3l1x}
Dont ask why :) If you took part in in this , you will never ask that
It just like Dark Soul :)
It just like Dark Soul :)
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